Who can I contact if I have a question, or need support?
In the event that you require support from a member of staff in school, in the first instance please contact the main office on 01332 777920.
We have also provided 4 mobile phone numbers in case of emergency. These mobiles will be monitored by members of the Leadership Team on weekdays between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm. You are welcome to leave a text message or voicemail if there is no answer and we will get back to you as soon as we are able to.

Other Agencies and Support Services
Therapy Admin - 0300 123 4586 (Option 2 then Option 5)
Wheelchair Services AJM Healthcare - 0808 169 8747
Blatchfords Orthotics - 01332 369400
Main School Contacts
Main Office Tel: 01332 777920
Email: admin@ivy.set.org
Ivy House School
Moorway Lane,
DE23 2FS
Safeguarding and Child Protection:
In the event that you require support from Children's or Adult's Social Services, please use the information provided to find contact numbers.