We have very detailed and carefully considered teaching approaches for all aspects of these, personalised for each child, their needs and abilities following consultation with families. Helping our pupils to understand how to keep safe, to whatever degree they can, when they rely completely on adults for all their care is vital.

The Department for Education announced changes to the national curriculum for relationships and sex education (RSE). These changes have come into effect and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements. This means that following consultation with our families and Academy Council we reviewed our RSE curriculum and policy so that we are sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils, based on their:

  • Age
  • Physical and emotional maturity
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Special educational needs and disabilities

As always, we continue to welcome your views and comments about RSE at Ivy House School.  

Parents/Carers right to withdraw

We have a detailed RSE Policy that you can read on our polices page. Parents/Carers have a legal right to view this policy and to have access to information about the school’s PSHE/RSE provision. Parents/Carers do not have the right to withdraw their child from ‘relationships’ education. However, families do have the right to withdraw their child from the non-statutory and non-science components of sex education within RSE, up to and until 3 terms before the child turns 16. After this point, if the young person wishes to receive sex education, rather than being withdrawn, the school will arrange this. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing and addressed to the Headteacher. A copy of withdrawal requests will be placed in the student's educational record. The Headteacher and the RSE co-ordinator will discuss the request with parents and take appropriate action.

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