We provide the foundations for developing independence, self-esteem, social and community skills.
The ability to exert one’s independence is a basic human right, so it must be placed centrally within the curriculum. Independence can only be developed when the person has developed an understanding of themselves as a person who can perceive the world around them, develop their thinking about what they perceive and begin to communicate about their desires and choices. Independence is not the ability to conform but rather the ability to take control over the experiences that go on around them. This is vital for our pupils where they are likely to have limitations on their ability to be functionally independent in many areas. Pupils liable to be involved in activities that take a substantial amount of time, are about the most personal areas of self-care and are usually associated with the needs of children of an early age. Our curriculum makes time for these activities to take place, but is designed to ensure that the pupil can develop the maximum amount of independence in these areas as possible. This may be physical independence skills but may also be the ability to communicate about these activities, to accept or decline, to request or to terminate.
The basic activities of self-care are also the ones that are likely to have the greatest impact on the family in terms of time and location. The more independent a pupil can become the more life possibilities and opportunities are available for them and their families. Our curriculum must focus on those activities, valuing them and giving them time to be achieved: Eating & Drinking, Dressing, Personal Care, Personal Presentation& Hair and Washing & Bathing.
Our Whole School Intent
We inspire our pupils by providing the foundations for personal development; enabling them to develop their independence, self-esteem, social and community skills and to be able to keep themselves healthy and safe. They are encouraged to explore and manage their feelings and develop appropriate relationships with others. Pupils receive enhanced enrichment opportunities and memorable moments, such as educational visits and theme days within our school to develop their cultural capital.
We nurture our pupils by promoting social, moral, spiritual and cultural opportunities, as well as by valuing and celebrating their individuality. Staff ensure they are sensitive to the vulnerabilities and nurturing needs of all students and there is a strong emphasis on routines, with regular provisions of information about would be next, especially when it veers from the routines. Opportunities provided are functional and purposeful to help develop curious, life-long learners.
We empower our pupils by maximising their independence by supporting routines that can take a substantial amount of time such as personal care, eating & drinking, feeding, washing & bathing. Pupils respect other people and can distinguish right from wrong and are prepared for life in Modern Britain. We provide affirmation and associated engendering of students’ sense of their own achievement, sharing the experiences of all children and young people.
Please visit our Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) page for information about how we deliver RSE at Ivy House School